Warzone Shadowban Fallout: Players Voice Frustration and Seek Solutions

Gamers in Warzone subreddit express anger over shadowbans, seeking ways to address the issue.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Warzone community are venting their frustration over shadowbans, feeling unfairly targeted and hindered from enjoying their favorite game. The issue seems to have sparked a heated discussion, with users sharing their experiences and seeking solutions.


  • Players feel targeted and frustrated by recurring shadowbans, disrupting their gaming experience.
  • Suggestions range from creating new accounts to temporarily playing on consoles to avoid the bans.
  • Community members debate the root causes of shadowbans, pointing towards potential triggers like certain software or behaviors.

Players’ Frustrations

The initial post by Ukendt01 showcases a player feeling exasperated by facing repeated shadowbans. The user highlights the inconvenience of being forcibly kicked mid-game and emphasizes feeling singled out compared to console players. This sentiment resonated with many others in the thread, with several sharing similar experiences of being targeted and hindered from enjoying the game they love.

Solutions and Suggestions

Amidst the frustrations, the community also offered solutions. Some players suggested creating new accounts as a workaround, although acknowledging the risk of encountering shadowbans again due to unspecified game issues. Others proposed playing on consoles for a period to enhance their trust factor before returning to PC gaming, citing personal success with this method. These suggestions provide insight into the player base’s attempts to navigate around the shadowban dilemma.

Root Causes Debate

A significant discussion in the comments revolved around identifying the root causes of shadowbans. Users debated various triggers, such as the presence of certain software during gameplay. One comment highlighted the potential risks associated with running external programs, suggesting that activities like key mapping software or peripheral-related programs could inadvertently trigger bans. This debate reflected the community’s efforts to understand and address the underlying issues leading to shadowbans within the game.

Gamers in the Warzone subreddit are grappling with the frustrating implications of shadowbans, seeking both solidarity and practical solutions within the community. The diverse range of experiences and suggestions shared in the post not only shed light on the challenges players face but also underscore the collective determination to overcome these obstacles and continue enjoying their gaming experiences. The feedback and insights exchanged within the subreddit exemplify the passionate and engaged nature of the Warzone player base, continuously striving to navigate and improve their gaming environment.