Warzone Players Seek Help for Greyed-Out Text Chat Option

Warzone players face issues with the greyed-out Text Chat option. How can they resolve it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are seeking solutions for a greyed-out Text Chat option. The post discusses the struggle of Ospevon2 in resolving the issue that occurred unexpectedly on PC through BattleNet.


  • Players encounter a greyed-out Text Chat option issue unexpectedly.
  • Members share various troubleshooting suggestions.
  • LT5FN suggests enabling parental controls as a fix.

Players’ Struggle to Communicate

Ospevon2 faces an unusual problem with the greyed-out Text Chat option that was functioning fine until that day. The post highlights the frustration of being unable to utilize this essential communication feature.

Community Suggestions

Member Bigric40 mentions the popular streamer RayBear23 and humorously advises following her, diverting slightly from the technical issue.

Resolution through Parental Controls

LT5FN shares a workaround by enabling parental controls with a specific setting adjustment that surprisingly resolves the issue. This unexpected resolution provides a unique insight into fixing a technical problem.

The engagement within the Warzone community showcases the camaraderie and willingness to assist their fellow players in overcoming challenges.