Warzone Mobile Skins Transfer to MW3: A Player’s Dream or Nightmare?

Should Warzone mobile skins carry over to MW3? Players debate the pros and cons.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine a world where your Warzone mobile skins seamlessly transfer over to MW3. The possibilities are endless, but so are the debates among players on this very topic…


  • Players dream of mobile skins crossing over to MW3.
  • Concerns over gambling with COD points spark debate.
  • Desire for specific skins to carry over highlighted.
  • Mobile vs. console/PC development complexities compared.

Player Dreams

DevinLucasArts envisions a world where hard-earned mobile content seamlessly integrates with MW3, suggesting it as a cool addition. The idea resonates with many players, sparking excitement about personalizing their gameplay further.

Gambling Concerns

baseshit, expressing hesitation over gambling with COD points, shares a negative experience that led them to stop playing Warzone. The concept of gambling in a beloved game like COD left a sour taste, causing this player to step away from the game entirely.

Skin-Specific Desires

AncapNomad highlights their desire for a specific skin, the 5.11 skin for Fender, to carry over to MW3. This sentiment underscores the attachment players develop to certain cosmetics and the importance of continuity in their virtual collections.

The Warzone community’s discussions reflect a mix of excitement and skepticism regarding the potential crossover of mobile skins to MW3. While the idea of personalization and continuity excites many, concerns about gambling mechanics in the game raise valid points. As players eagerly await potential updates, the debate continues to stir the community into a frenzy of anticipation.