Warzone High Trip Resurgence Mode: Player Sentiments and Feedback

Players share mixed feelings on Warzone's High Trip Resurgence mode, from enjoying the chaotic fast-paced action to frustration with tracking wins and challenging gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are diving into the chaotic world of the High Trip Resurgence mode, where speed boosts and unconventional gameplay mechanics reign supreme. The mode has sparked a range of opinions among players, from excitement over the unique experience to frustration with certain aspects.


  • Players appreciate the lightened SBMM in High Trip Resurgence, allowing for more enjoyable engagements.
  • Some find the mode reminiscent of using hacks with its speed and traversal advantages.
  • Feedback is split on the lack of win tracking in the mode, with some feeling it detracts from the overall experience.

Player Reactions

Many players found the High Trip Resurgence mode a refreshing break from the regular gameplay, with the lighter SBMM being a standout feature for some.

One player described the mode as akin to seeing the cheats others are using, highlighting the enjoyment derived from the unconventional elements present.

On the contrary, some players expressed dismay over the intense gameplay in the mode, feeling it surpassed the sweatiness of regular matches.

Speed Boosts and Challenges

The inclusion of speed boost gummies in the mode was met with positive responses, with players relishing the opportunity to zip around the map at high speeds.

However, issues with challenges not registering correctly were raised, impacting the completion of event tasks for some players.

Furthermore, the lack of win tracking in High Trip Resurgence left some players feeling disconnected from their progress and achievements in the mode.

Final Thoughts

Warzone’s High Trip Resurgence mode has created a whirlwind of emotions among players, offering a mix of exhilaration and frustration. The unique gameplay mechanics have both delighted and irked the community, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the player base. As players continue to explore the fast-paced chaos of this mode, their feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Warzone’s limited-time experiences.