Warzone: Facing off Against Super Sweats in Boot Camp Mode

The boot camp mode in Warzone has players facing off against super sweats, causing frustration and debate among the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are venting their frustrations about facing off against super sweats in the boot camp mode. From exploiting new players to feeling unfair advantages, the community is in an uproar.


  • Boot camp mode overrun by competitive players
  • Players suggest level limit to balance matches
  • Debate over whether it should have bots only

Frustrations with Boot Camp Mode

Many players express frustration at the influx of competitive players in the boot camp mode, making it challenging for casual gamers to enjoy the experience. Some feel that their encounters with highly skilled players are discouraging and unfair.

New Player Exploitation

Some players highlight the issue of experienced players exploiting newbies and less skilled opponents in the boot camp mode. This creates a negative playing environment and discourages new players from continuing with the game.

Debate Over Mode Design

There is a debate within the community about the design of the boot camp mode, with suggestions ranging from implementing level limits to having bots only. Players believe that balancing the matches and providing a more welcoming environment for all skill levels would enhance the gameplay experience.