Warzone CPU Optimization Guide: Boosting Your FPS and Lowering Temperatures

Discover how a gamer fixed their Warzone performance issues and overheating CPU.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players have shared their struggles and triumphs in optimizing CPU usage and fixing thermal issues. From battling overheating to achieving smoother gameplay, one player’s journey sheds light on the challenges of running the game efficiently.


  • Optimizing CPU usage can significantly improve Warzone performance.
  • Adjusting thread usage and disabling voice chat are crucial steps in fixing FPS and thermal problems.
  • Even without a proper CPU cooler, strategic tweaks can make a noticeable difference in gameplay.

Struggles with Overheating

A Warzone player, FemboyStorm26, detailed the challenges faced with their new setup running Warzone. Despite smooth performance in other games like League of Legends and Apex, Warzone caused immediate thermal spikes.

Fixing the Issues

Without a CPU cooler, the player experimented with undervolting and other settings to stabilize the gameplay. Ultimately, tweaking CPU usage, thread count, and disabling voice chat proved to be the game-changer.

Optimizing Gameplay

By making these adjustments, the player saw a significant improvement in performance, reaching over 160 FPS while multitasking with streaming and watching high-quality content.

It’s a testament to the complexities of optimizing Warzone and the creative solutions players devise to enhance their gaming experience.