Warzone: Clicking ‘No Fill’ – Improving or Hurting Your Game?

Are you better off solo in Warzone? The debate rages on in the community based on 'No Fill' choices!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are split on whether going solo by clicking ‘No Fill’ before a game is beneficial or detrimental to their performance. The Reddit post by H1ddenWasTaken sparked a heated discussion about individual skill levels and the impact on team dynamics.


  • Self-awareness in recognizing personal shortcomings is applauded by the community.
  • Improvement in gameplay skills versus playing for pure enjoyment is a balancing act.
  • Advice ranges from watching streams to practicing and reflecting on mistakes.

Players’ Perspectives

One player, Ill_Dentist_5408, highlighted the importance of acknowledging the various factors influencing game performance and commended H1ddenWasTaken for owning up to their struggles. This perspective resonated with many as the gaming community often faces criticism for lack of introspection.

sliceoflife222 emphasized the value of practicing essential skills like aiming and positioning, underscoring that improvement comes from recognizing and rectifying overlooked gameplay aspects. They also noted the satisfaction of incremental progress leading to victories.

Drepnolli encouraged seeking inspiration from skilled players through streams and treating each game as a learning experience. Continuous growth and self-assessment were touted as essential for enjoyable gameplay.

Encouragement and Support

Several comments offered support and reassurance to H1ddenWasTaken, emphasizing that gaming should primarily be about fun. GoofyTheScot reassured that with time and experience, gameplay would naturally progress, and hours invested in FPS games might not always translate to immediate success.

Mr_Rafi provided a perspective that highlighted the disparity in gaming backgrounds among players and suggested taking a strategic approach to enhance gameplay experience. Adaptive strategies and an understanding of individual goals were touted as beneficial.

Sharp-Jicama4241 lauded H1ddenWasTaken for self-evaluation, noting that humility and awareness make for valuable team dynamics. Constructive feedback and acknowledging weaknesses were deemed crucial for personal and team growth.

Inclusivity and Collaboration

Players like bperd2 extended offers to team up, promoting a collective and supportive gaming environment. The camaraderie and willingness to assist fellow players underscored the community’s emphasis on inclusivity and mutual progression.

Overall, the Warzone community showcases a mix of encouragement, practical advice, and camaraderjsone, fostering an environment where personal growth and collaboration are valued. While individual performance remains a focus, the collective spirit of support and improvement resonates throughout the subreddit threads.