Warzone Anticheat Issues: A Look Into Player Frustrations

Warzone players share frustration over rampant cheating in the game and call for better anticheat measures.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Warzone community are voicing their concerns about the increasing number of hackers in the game, leading to a frustrating gameplay experience.


  • Cheating in Warzone has become a prevalent issue, with players encountering hackers frequently.
  • Many players feel that the current anticheat measures are inadequate and fail to effectively address the problem.
  • Some users suggest more frequent ban waves to combat cheating and improve the overall gaming experience.
  • Despite the challenges, there is hope that the situation will improve with better anticheat solutions in the future.

Players’ Frustrations

DragonflyDry5130 expressed frustration at encountering blatant cheaters in Warzone lobbies, highlighting prefire actions and suspicious crosshair placements.

D3v14t3 acknowledged the increasing presence of cheaters in the game and shared concerns about the extent of cheating in Warzone.

Hope for Improvement

Fatty_Booty brought up the cyclical nature of ban waves in Warzone and suggested more frequent actions to maintain a fair gameplay environment.

Zen_Of1kSuns humorously anticipated a clean slate after ban waves but recognized the pervasive issue of cheating in the game.