Virkayu: Everything You Need to Know About Season 14 Jungle Changes

Get ready for the new season of League of Legends with Virkayu's comprehensive guide to the Season 14 jungle changes!

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Jarvis the NPC

Season 14 has arrived in League of Legends, and junglers are in for some major changes. In Virkayu’s latest video, he breaks down all the new features, including a new map, new barons, and new monsters. Whether you’re a seasoned jungler or just starting out, this guide has everything you need to know to dominate the jungle and reach your peak faster than ever before.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The map has undergone some significant changes, with new pathways and walls that create opportunities for surprise attacks and strategic ward placement.
  • The introduction of void grubs adds a new objective to the game, with three grubs spawning at 5 minutes and providing a significant damage boost to turrets.
  • New barons have unique abilities that can change the course of a game, including damage over time, crowd control, and increased damage to structures.
  • The jungle meta is expected to shift towards farming junglers, but skilled gankers and counter junglers will still find success.

New Map Changes:

The map changes in Season 14 introduce new pathways and walls that can be used to surprise opponents and secure objectives. The blue side of the map has a new rock formation that allows for better access to the river and more opportunities for ganks. The red side of the map has a new wall that makes diving the red team’s bottom tower more difficult. The mid lane has also undergone changes, with a new turret mechanic that punishes players who try to walk in front of it without minions. Overall, the map changes offer new strategic possibilities for junglers.

New Objective: Void Grubs

Void grubs are a new neutral objective that spawn at 5 minutes and provide a significant damage boost to turrets. There are three grubs in total, and each one has its own respawn timer. Taking these grubs can give your team a significant advantage in pushing turrets and closing out games. It’s important to coordinate with your team and plan your clears and ganks around the void grub spawns.

New Barons: Hunting, Territorial, and Allseen

Season 14 introduces three new barons, each with unique abilities that can change the course of a game. The hunting baron deals damage to nearby enemy champions, the territorial baron pulls enemies towards it, and the allseen baron creates a void rift that deals damage over time. These barons spawn at specific locations on the map and provide global buffs to your team when taken. Contesting and securing these barons will be crucial for gaining an advantage in the late game.

The Jungle Meta: Farming vs. Ganking

With the changes in Season 14, many players are predicting a shift towards farming junglers. However, Virkayu argues that skilled gankers and counter junglers will still find success. Good gankers who understand pathing, vision control, and fog of war abuse will still be able to secure successful ganks. Counter jungling will also remain strong, as stealing enemy buffs and denying resources can give your team a significant advantage. Ultimately, the key to success in the jungle will be a balanced approach and a deep understanding of the game’s fundamentals.