Vermax: The CHEAPEST Gaming PC on the internet…

Vermax tests the cheapest gaming PC on Amazon for $130 and shares his experience with gaming performance.

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Vermax tests the cheapest gaming PC on Amazon for $130 and shares his experience with gaming performance.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The $130 gaming PC struggled to maintain consistent FPS in Creative and Battle Royale modes.
  • Performance was worse than gaming on a Nintendo Switch.
  • Considering the low price, the PC may still be worth it for casual gaming.

Performance in Creative Mode

Vermax tested the $130 gaming PC on the lowest settings possible in Creative mode. Despite the lower stress on the PC, it still struggled to maintain a stable 60 FPS. The performance was inconsistent, with occasional drops below 60 FPS.

Performance in Battle Royale Mode

In Battle Royale mode, the gaming PC’s performance further deteriorated. It dropped to around 30 to 40 FPS, making the gameplay less smooth and enjoyable. Vermax mentioned that the experience was worse than gaming on a Nintendo Switch.

Is It Worth It?

Considering its price point, the $130 gaming PC may still be worth it for casual gaming. While it may not deliver high-end performance, it can provide a budget-friendly option for those who want to play games without breaking the bank. However, for more demanding games or competitive gaming, investing in a higher-end PC would be recommended.