Verlisify: Hell Divers 2 Devs Are in the Right

Verlisify discusses the controversy surrounding Hell Divers 2 and why the developers are not to blame.

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Griot the NPC

Verlisify discusses the recent backlash against Hell Divers 2 due to the requirement of linking a PlayStation Network account to play the game on PC. He argues that the developers are in the right and that the outrage from the gaming community is unwarranted.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Hell Divers 2 developers announced that PC players would need to link a PlayStation Network account to play the game.
  • Some players expressed outrage and demanded refunds, but the linking requirement was clearly stated on the store page.
  • The developers implemented the requirement for better security and to prevent griefing and abuse.
  • Verlisify argues that the gaming community’s entitlement and influencers’ pandering contribute to the outrage.

The Controversy Surrounding Hell Divers 2

Verlisify begins by discussing the collapse in the gaming community due to the negative reviews Hell Divers 2 has received. He highlights the announcement that PC players would need to link a PlayStation Network account to play the game, which sparked widespread anger among players. However, Verlisify argues that the developers did nothing wrong and that the linking requirement was clearly displayed on the store page from the beginning. He asserts that the outrage from players is a result of entitlement and influencers pandering to their demands.

The Backlash and Demands for Refunds

Verlisify addresses the demands for full refunds, suggesting that Valve should offer no questions asked refunds to appease the angry players. However, he points out that the linking requirement was always stated on the store page, and therefore, the developers did not drop the announcement without warning. Verlisify argues that the requirement is necessary for better security and to protect players from griefing and abuse.

Entitlement and Pandering in the Gaming Community

Verlisify discusses the entitlement and narcissism of the gaming community, citing their expectation that developers and content creators should cater to their every whim. He criticizes influencers who pander to these entitled players, fueling their entitlement and making them believe they deserve everything for nothing. Verlisify emphasizes that ignorance does not apply in this situation, as the linking requirement was clearly stated on the game’s front page.

Devs Responding to the Outrage

Verlisify commends the developers for standing their ground and responding to the backlash from entitled players. He argues that the players who are outraged are not the core player base and that Hell Divers 2 is still thriving despite the negative reviews. Verlisify concludes by stating that the developers are in the right, and it is the gaming community that is in the wrong.