Vars: The Worst Designed Champions in League of Legends

Learn about the worst designed champions in League of Legends according to Vars, including their flaws and design contradictions.

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Griot the NPC

Vars discusses the worst designed champions in League of Legends in his latest video. He highlights five champions with flaws in their design and gameplay mechanics. While some champions have undergone reworks and improvements, their fundamental issues remain. Vars clarifies that worst designed does not always mean overloaded and shares his insights on the champions’ counterintuitive gameplay and advantages. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from Vars’ video.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Alawi’s design as a control juggernaut is unique but poorly executed.
  • Shyvana lacks creativity and fails to fulfill the fantasy of a half dragon.
  • Pike’s identity as an assassin contradicts the support role.
  • Zeri’s burst fire mechanic and excessive mobility make her a problematic champion.

Alawi: A Unique but Flawed Control Juggernaut

Alawi, a control juggernaut, relies on territorial control and tentacle attacks. However, her pressure is inconsistent, and her slow animations hinder her mobility. While efforts have been made to improve her consistency, her design still falls short in providing a reliable and satisfying gameplay experience.

Shyvana: A Half Dragon with a Bad Design

Shyvana’s design as a half dragon with the ability to transform into a full dragon falls flat. She lacks stick potential and front-loaded damage, making her less effective compared to other attackers. Her outdated gameplay and lack of identity make her one of the worst champions in the game.

Pike: An Assassin as a Support

Pike’s design as an assassin support is fundamentally flawed. Assassins require gold and experience to thrive, making Pike’s gold generation through kills problematic. His self-sufficiency as a support disrupts the balance of the role, and his engagement potential falls short compared to other traditional supports.

Zeri: A Caster Battle Marksman with Poor Execution

Zeri, a caster battle marksman, suffers from conflicting design choices. Her DPS rivals or exceeds other late-game marksmen, while her mobility and safety make her a safe choice for a battle marksman. However, her design contradicts the high-risk, high-reward nature of the class, resulting in an uncreative and problematic champion.

Vars sheds light on the worst designed champions in League of Legends, highlighting their flaws and contradictions. While some champions offer unique gameplay experiences, their execution falls short, resulting in frustrating and unbalanced gameplay. It remains to be seen if Riot Games will address these design issues and provide a more satisfying experience for players.