Vars: Everything Wrong With Singed | League of Legends

Discover the flaws in Singed's design and why his playstyle goes against the principles of League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Singed is a unique and peculiar champion in League of Legends, known for his toxic gas and hit-and-run playstyle. In Vars’ latest video, he dives deep into everything wrong with Singed’s design and why it goes against the principles of the game. From his uninteractive abilities to his non-traditional win condition, Vars breaks down the problems with Singed and discusses potential ways to improve his gameplay. If you’re interested in learning more about Singed and his controversial playstyle, be sure to check out the video below!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Singed is a champion with a unique playstyle that elicits negative responses from opponents.
  • His poison trail ability is both cleverly designed and egregiously unbalanced.
  • Singed’s optimal result is achieved by avoiding direct interaction with opponents.
  • His playstyle goes against the principles of League of Legends and creates an unenjoyable experience for many players.

The Problem with Singed’s Design

Singed’s gameplay is centered around his poison trail ability, which continuously releases toxic gas that damages enemies over time. While conceptually inventive, this ability creates a host of issues in gameplay. The most significant problem is that Singed’s optimal result is achieved by actively avoiding interaction with opponents. Unlike other champions who thrive on direct engagement and interaction, Singed players are incentivized to run away from opponents, leading to a frustrating and unbalanced gameplay experience.

Uninteractive Abilities

Singed’s abilities, such as fling and mega adhesive, are designed to keep opponents at bay and discourage direct engagement. His fling ability throws opponents behind him, further emphasizing his hit-and-run playstyle. Additionally, his passive ability, noxious slipstream, rewards him for briefly coming into contact with as many champions as possible, reinforcing his playstyle of running away and spreading poison.

Non-Traditional Win Condition

Singed’s playstyle and win condition differ from the rest of the champions in League of Legends. While most champions strive to directly engage and eliminate opponents, Singed players aim to indirectly disrupt the enemy team and frustrate them. This fundamental contradiction with the game’s prevailing principles contributes to the negative perception of Singed and his gameplay.

Singed’s design and playstyle go against the principles of League of Legends, resulting in a frustrating and unenjoyable experience for many players. While he remains a relatively uncommon pick, his unique gameplay style creates a significant imbalance and contradicts the standard conventions of the game. It is essential for Riot Games to address these issues and find a better way to express the concept of a mad chemist within the game.