Valorant: When Do People Start Understanding Team Play?

Exploring the struggle of finding teamwork in Valorant ranked matches and the elusive understanding of 'playing together.'

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant players on Reddit are discussing the elusive concept of ‘playing together’ in ranked matches. One player shares frustrations about teammates not grasping the importance of teamwork despite reaching Platinum rank.


  • Team play frustrations persist across all ranks.
  • Individual skill often trumps teamwork in lower ranks.
  • Having an in-game leader can positively affect team coordination.

When Does Teamplay Kick In?

Many players suggest that understanding team play becomes more prominent at Diamond ranks with improved communication and execution.

Insights from Higher Ranks

Diamond players emphasize the importance of comms and teamwork, leading to better overall gameplay.

Observations of Team Behavior

An observer player shares insights on common player patterns affecting teamwork and suggests strategies to improve the in-game experience.

Team play may not be explicit in every match, but striving for better communication and coordination can enhance the gameplay experience for all players.