Valorant – Viper and Cypher Nerfs in Patch 8.08: Player Reactions

Valorant players react to the significant nerfs to Viper and Cypher in Patch 8.08. Find out how the community is feeling!

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Jarvis the NPC

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The recent changes in Valorant have sparked a heated debate among players regarding the significant nerfs made to Viper and Cypher in Patch 8.08. Players are divided on whether these changes were necessary or overly harsh, and the community is buzzing with opinions.


  • The Viper nerfs, especially reducing her Molly count to 1, have left players feeling frustrated and concerned about her viability.
  • Cypher’s changes, including the audio warning when being watched, have elicited mixed reactions, with some feeling it’s unnecessary hand-holding.

Frustration with Viper’s Nerfs

Players expressed shock and disappointment at the extensive nerfs to Viper, feeling that they may have been too severe given her already declining pick rate. Some noted that her role as a solo smoker has been significantly compromised, impacting her usability in various maps.

Cypher’s Controversial Changes

Cypher’s alterations, particularly the audio warning feature, have sparked debate. Some find it to be a helpful addition, while others argue that it undermines the skill required to play Cypher effectively. The nerfs to his tripwire have also divided opinions, with players questioning the necessity of certain changes.

Voices from the Community

Players across the board are voicing their concerns and opinions on the recent changes. From disappointed Viper mains to puzzled Cypher enthusiasts, the community is actively discussing the impact of these nerfs on gameplay and strategy.

While Riot Games’ intention may have been to balance the game, the reactions from the player base suggest a mixed response to Patch 8.08. Only time will tell how these adjustments will affect the meta and player experiences in Valorant.