Valorant: Unveiling the Haven Meta for New Players

New to Valorant? Discover the essential meta strategies for navigating Haven with insights from experienced players.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Are you a new Valorant player looking to unravel the mysteries of the Haven map? Dive into the depths of the Haven meta with seasoned players revealing crucial insights and strategies.


  • Minigame: Find the site with one defender and hit it, then fight for A lobby control
  • Haven meta comp: Omen/Astra, Sova, Breach, Jett, KJ; Viper comps emerging
  • Valuable strategies: Learn to dislodge Ops, watch pro matches, employ aggressive plays
  • Agent core: Jett, Omen, Sova; adapt based on enemy strategies

Unlocking the Haven Meta

Discover the intricate dance of attackers and defenders on Haven, where strategic maneuvering and agent selection are key to success.

Navigating Agent Picks

Delve into the optimal agent compositions for Haven, understanding the significance of each agent’s abilities in shaping the gameplay experience.

Mastering Map Control

Explore the dynamic strategies employed by seasoned players to secure vital map control and outwit their opponents on Haven.

Unraveling the Complexity

Dive deeper into the nuanced tactics and counter-strategies that elevate gameplay on Haven, transforming it into a battleground of wits and skill.