Valorant: The Unanswered Rank Questions

A deep dive into a Valorant player's concerns about rank, matchmaking, and good old fashioned teamwork.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Today in the Valorant gaming sphere, a player posted a humorous view on the trials of ranking, leaving many to share sympathies and personal experiences on the stumbling blocks they encounter.


  • Valorant player questions their rank despite high skill levels.
  • Experiences resistance in matchmaking and gaining rank.
  • Blames teammates for holding back progress.
  • Seeks secret techniques for better matchmaking.

Rank vs Skill

A common query is the comparison between rank and skill. ‘KeenScout1’ is one of many to question if they truly deserve their rank, despite ‘good aim’, ‘good game sense’ and long-time experience in fps games. It becomes an acknowledged pain point in ranking systems, where one’s rank doesn’t necessarily reflect their skill level.

The Role of Matchmaking

The player humorously suggests their Diamond friend is unaware of ‘secret techniques’ to aid their matchmaking. This light-hearted jab has a deeper concern, as many players feel there are improvements needed in the game’s matchmaking abilities. Another user shares their feeling of being ‘carried’ by their team, implying a disbalance in skill within a team.

Blame It On The Team

Our poster ‘jokes’ about their teammates hindering their progress, but there’s a fair share of comments agreeing with them, jokingly or otherwise. Player ‘Levi_176’ advises ‘not caring’, while ‘abulVal’ recommends focusing on self-improvement over teammates’ actions. This reflects the consensus that the only thing within the player’s control is their own gameplay.

That Silver Lining

Despite many shared sentiments of misranked players, there are those who fondly remember the silver lobbies. our poster’s comments ignited a humorous discussion, including coming to terms with one’s rank and the perceived disbalance of teams, and sparked an engaging conversation within the Valorant community. The silver lining(pun intended) is the shared experiences and helpful advice users share in response to ‘KeenScout1”s initial jest. It shows the solidarity within the Valorant player base and a unified desire to improve the game, making sure a joke, in the end, is just that: a joke.