Valorant: The Best Card in the Game or Just a Simp?

Tier 47 and a tempting purchase - is this Valorant card truly the best or just a simp magnet?

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant enthusiasts are buzzing over a game card that’s causing quite a stir. Tier 47 turned into a battleground for one player who caved in for the tempting purchase, sparking a debate on whether this card reigns supreme or simply appeals to the simp hearts out there.


  • Players are divided on whether the card is a standout or a mere simp magnet.
  • Some prefer other cards like the ‘Gentle Breeze Card of jett’ or ‘Be Mine Jett Card’.
  • The ‘Champions 2022 Hero’ card and ‘Arcane’ card also receive praise.

Nostalgia Strikes

Amidst the hype, players like ‘JNorJT’ reminisce using their trusty Beta Tester card, showcasing a touch of sentimentality in the ever-evolving game.

The Influence of Aesthetics

‘WikoStairway’ appreciates the aesthetics, praising the card’s sick design, while ‘kittyishhh’ finds themselves simping for Viper, adding a dash of humor and relatability to the mix.

Emotional Reactions

From ‘banyani’ mourning missed opportunities due to exams to ‘HappyColt90’ geeking out over coffee references, the community’s emotional responses to the card vary, showcasing the diverse reactions it garners.

Valorant’s card phenomenon continues to captivate players, sparking debates, nostalgia trips, and simp revelations throughout the community.