Valorant Struggles: A Bronze Player’s Tale of Woe and Frustration

A Bronze player details their struggles in Valorant Season, facing smurfs and toxic teammates.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players in the Bronze tier are facing tough challenges with smurfs and unsupportive teammates, leading to frustration and struggles in improving their gameplay. The author shares their experience and seeks advice from the community on how to navigate these difficulties.


  • Struggles with aim deterioration and performance decline
  • Encounters with smurfs and uncooperative teammates
  • Tips for improvement and finding enjoyment in the game

Presidential Perspective

Responding to a struggling Bronze player, one user suggests that improving movement and being less predictable could help combat one-tap woes.

Silver Lining

Another player shares their observations, noting that Silver offers a more enjoyable experience with fewer smurfs and more team-oriented matches.

Community Support

Players offer to team up and provide advice on gameplay strategies, emphasizing the importance of tactical skills and positive communication.