Valorant Skills Showcase: Analyzing Reddit User Gameplay and Ranking

Analyzing Valorant gameplay video posted on Reddit by user El_WolfyHun. Their performance dissected by fellow gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

For the uninitiated, Valorant is a tactical shooter game developed by Riot Games. Its gameplay is a mix of fast-paced action and strategic decisions. A user, El_WolfyHun, recently posted a gameplay video with the caveat, ‘Not my cleanest, but the only one I captured.’ The post has since become a hot topic.


  • A mix of skilled shots and perceived errors sparked a mix of responses.
  • Many users offered constructive criticism, suggesting areas for improvement.
  • User ranking guesses ranged widely from Iron to Silver.

Performance Analysis

Users offered a detailed analysis of the clip. RiftPenguin complimented El_WolfyHun’s aim but pointed out the need for better shooting mechanics. FunniestSphinx9 commented on the reload after every kill, identifying this as a common beginner’s mistake. This sentiment was echoed by Shamsy92, highlighting crosshair placement as a key area of focus.

User Ranking Guesses

Gauging El_WolfyHun’s skill level led to varied guesses – Iron 3 to Silver 1. There were several pointers like crosshair placement, reloading time and shooting style that made people guess the user’s rank. However, the consensus seemed to sway towards the lower ranks, with many users including Shamsy92 and Karnikula_Gaming leaning toward Iron and Bronze.

Fun Reactions and Comments

Rare_Register9893 humorously described El_WolfyHun’s play as ‘the most violent reaction to a clutch + ace’. Meanwhile, Kearskill was expecting an emphatic ‘HOLD THEM TO THEIR GRAVE.’ There’s certainly no shortage of laughter in this shooting gallery!

Despite the video not showing El_WolfyHun’s cleanest play, the video certainly sparked a lively discussion on gameplay techniques and player rank estimation. The community’s constructive feedback showcases the camaraderie within the Valorant community, as players aim to support each other’s improvement. After all, the road to the top is paved with both victories and learning experiences.