Valorant: Should I Use My Ult? The Ultimate Dilemma

To ult or not to ult, that is the ultimate question in Valorant. Dive into the heated debate about using ultimates for the best outcome!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Valorant players are torn between using their ultimates strategically or saving them for ‘better’ moments. A player on Reddit’s ‘Valorant’ subreddit posed a dilemma: Should they use their ult in a round that could have been won without it, due to their teammate’s questionable play?


  • Players debate whether to use ultimates in situations that may not seem dire.
  • Some advocate for securing the round no matter what, while others suggest saving ultimates for more crucial moments.
  • Ultimate usage varies based on individual playstyles and game perception.
  • Strategic thinking and adaptability play a key role in decision-making within Valorant.

Insights on Using Ultimates in Valorant

Valorant is a game of split-second decisions, where each move can either make or break a round. In the Reddit post, the dilemma of using an ultimate ability in a seemingly ‘won’ round sparked diverse opinions among players.

Strategic Versus Emotional Decision-Making

Some players firmly believe in securing the round at all costs, emphasizing the importance of using ultimates to ensure victory. They argue that saving ultimates for the ‘perfect moment’ might lead to missed opportunities and potential losses.

Ultimate Economy and Long-Term Benefits

Conversely, there are players who advocate for a more calculated approach, suggesting that ultimates should be used strategically to gain a tangible advantage or secure crucial rounds. They emphasize the long-term benefits of using ultimates consistently throughout a match.

Playstyle and Team Dynamics

Individual playstyles and team dynamics also influence the decision to use ultimates. Some players prioritize teamwork and adapting to their teammates’ playstyles, while others focus on personal performance and maximizing their impact on the match.

The conflicting opinions highlight the nuanced decision-making process in Valorant and the importance of adapting to dynamic game scenarios.