Valorant: Should Abilities Have Inspects?

Should Valorant abilities have special inspections? Reddit users weigh in on the idea.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players are discussing the idea of abilities having special inspections. The community is divided on whether this would be a valuable addition to the game.


  • Players debate the concept of ability inspections, with some supporting the idea for added personality.
  • Comparisons are drawn to other games like CS2 that already incorporate similar mechanics.
  • Concerns are raised about the practicality and necessity of implementing this feature for all abilities.

Player Reactions

Some players express excitement about the possibility of unique inspections for abilities. User Basic_Cost1415 mentions wanting a Jett knife inspection for a long time, emphasizing the desire for personalization.

Others reference existing in-game interactions, like when user literaldogshit points out Chamber Ult’s inspect feature, indicating a positive response to such details.

User Benjiking17 brings up the potential challenges in implementing inspections for all abilities, highlighting that while it may work well for Gekko’s ‘minions,’ it could be awkward for abilities like Reyna’s leer or Breach’s flash.

Melthiela notes that Clove already demonstrates a form of inspect behavior with her orb, suggesting that some abilities may naturally lend themselves to this feature.

Meanwhile, ripthezong speculates on the possibility of ability skins coming into play, hinting at future customization options beyond mere inspections.

In contrast, some users like frforreal draw parallels to games like CS2 that already incorporate similar mechanics, pointing out that while it may be cool, it’s not entirely groundbreaking.

User u_slashh injects some humor by mentioning Gekko petting his buddies, adding a lighthearted perspective to the discussion.