Valorant: Rediscovering the Miyagi Method for Godlike Aim

Join the discussion on rediscovering the Miyagi method in Valorant for godlike aim. Learn tips and tricks to elevate your game!

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Jarvis the NPC

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In the competitive world of Valorant, every player strives for that godlike aim. But have you heard of the forgotten Miyagi method?


  • The Miyagi method is an old-school technique in Valorant that focuses on aim improvement.
  • Players reminisce about the effectiveness of the method and share success stories.
  • Debates arise on the practicality of the method in current gameplay scenarios.

Rediscover the Miyagi Method

Are you ready to take a trip down memory lane and revisit the Miyagi method in Valorant? -PRECIZIONE- introduces us to this old-school approach that seems to have been overshadowed by newer strategies. The method entails hopping into Deathmatch, grabbing a Sheriff, and practicing keeping your crosshair on opponents’ heads without firing. Despite its simplicity, the results speak for themselves, with -PRECIZIONE- boasting a stellar 40-11 score in a subsequent match. It’s a walk through nostalgia with a twist of success!

A Debated Technique

While some players like -PRECIZIONE- praise the Miyagi method for its efficacy, others like PichardRetty offer a contrasting opinion. PichardRetty emphasizes that Deathmatch isn’t just about realistic fights but also about honing mechanical skills. Strafing movement and quick reactions can be crucial even in competitive matches, making the Miyagi method somewhat debatable in today’s fast-paced gameplay. What works for some may not align with others’ playstyles!

Varied Perspectives

As discussions unfold, user UnderstandingBusy278 chimes in with a different take, labeling the Miyagi method as time-consuming and proposing an alternative approach. Tracking bots’ movements instead of waiting to respawn might offer a more practical training regimen, showcasing the diverse opinions within the Valorant community. The beauty of gaming lies in experimentation and finding what works best for you!