Valorant Reddit: The Debate on Showing User Ranks

Join the discussion on displaying user ranks on Valorant's Reddit and why it may or may not be a good idea.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

In a recent debate on Valorant’s subreddit, users discussed whether showing user ranks in comments would benefit the community.


  • Displaying user ranks may lead to discrimination against lower-ranked players.
  • Verifying ranks to prevent dishonesty is a challenge.
  • Lower ELO players fear being further marginalized.

Opinions Infiltrate Ranks

One user pointed out the risk of ignoring lower-ranked players’ opinions due to rank bias, leading to false claims of higher ranks

The Verification Hassle

Another user highlighted the difficulty in authenticating ranks and potential privacy concerns

Lower ELO Marginalization

Users expressed concerns about lower ELO players facing discrimination and being downvoted regardless of content

Embrace All Perspectives

Arguments were made for valuing all opinions, regardless of rank, to foster inclusivity and diverse discussions

The discussion showcases the ongoing challenge of inclusivity and credibility within the Valorant community.