Valorant Reaction Time: A 35-Year-Old’s Gaming Glory

Valorant improves a gamer's reaction time at 35!

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

In the world of gaming, the age-old adage reigns true: ‘Age is just a number.’ And in the case of Valorant, it seems to be more than just a number; it’s a testament to one’s reaction time. Reddit user Trolleitor shared his remarkable progress, sparking a lively discussion among fellow gamers about the impact of age on gaming skills.


  • Valorant rekindles a 35-year-old gamer’s pride in improved reaction time.
  • Players of various ages share their own reaction time benchmarks and experiences, showcasing diverse skill levels.
  • The community applauds and encourages each other, debunking stereotypes about age and gaming prowess.

Ages and Reflexes

Age may be just a number, but in the world of gaming, it often dictates expectations. Despite this, Valorant has become a platform where gamers of all ages can showcase their reflexes and skills. Trolleitor’s improvement from 220 to 172 ms at the age of 35 challenges conventional wisdom.

Community Camaraderie

The Reddit thread is not just a place for bragging rights but also a space for camaraderie and support. Comments like ‘Radiant before 40 let’s goo!’ and ‘Congratulations, man!’ demonstrate the positive and encouraging nature of the Valorant community.

Diversity in Skills

From 18-year-olds struggling to improve to seasoned gamers effortlessly hitting impressive benchmarks, Valorant proves that gaming skill knows no age limit. The shared experiences in the thread celebrate diversity in gaming abilities and experiences.

In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, Valorant stands out as a game that not only tests skills but also unites gamers of different ages in their passion for competitive play. It goes to show that in the realm of gaming, age truly is just a number.