Valorant Players Discuss Unlocked Gun Buddies in Rank Matches

The proposal to unlock all gun buddies below the highest one earned in Valorant received mixed reactions from players on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Valorant players on Reddit are discussing a proposal to unlock all gun buddies below the highest one earned. This idea aims to mitigate players throwing matches to acquire specific gun buddies.


  • Proposal to unlock lower-ranked gun buddies receives mixed reactions.
  • Community divided on the impact of throwing for gun buddies.
  • Different perspectives on the rarity and value of gun buddies in the game.


Some players feel high elo players throwing for the iron gun buddy are overshadowed by those who throw just for fun or ego.


Unlocking lower-ranked gun buddies seems logical for better players and may discourage throwing.


Players reminisce on the rarity of older gun buddies and how acquiring them now lacks the same prestige.