Valorant Patch 8.08 Controversy: Viper Nerfs Spark Outrage among Players

Discontent erupts in the Valorant community over the recent controversial patch 8.08, particularly focusing on drastic Viper nerfs.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant Patch 8.08 brought significant changes that have sparked controversy among the player base. Let’s dive into the Reddit thread to see what the community has to say.


  • Players express shock and dismay at the drastic nerfs to Viper.
  • Cypher’s spy cam changes have drawn mixed reactions from the community.
  • The lack of map rotations in patch 8.08 leaves some players questioning Riot’s decision.

Viper Nerfs: A Divisive Topic

While some players feel the nerfs were warranted, others express deep disappointment over the changes. Deviltamer66 humorously comments, “4 nerfs to Viper at once. That is an attempt on her life.”

Cypher’s Spy Cam: A Point of Contention

The alteration to Cypher’s spy cam functionality has polarized opinions. Bubbybubs remarks, “It’s literally called ‘SPYCAM,’ emphasizing the purpose of the ability.”

Map Rotations and Riot’s Decisions

Some players are puzzled by the absence of map rotations in the patch. packy17 questions, “They… they really didn’t rotate any of the maps? Why?”

Overall, the community’s response to patch 8.08 is a mix of frustration, confusion, and concern. Players are eager to see how Riot will address these issues moving forward.