Valorant: Is Matchmaking Super Unbalanced in 5-Player Squads?

Discover why Valorant matchmaking in 5-player squads is causing a stir among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant matchmaking has come under scrutiny lately, with many players expressing frustration over the perceived imbalance when playing in a full 5-person squad.


  • Players feel 5-stack matchmaking leads to unbalanced games
  • Riot supposedly matches 5 stacks by average rank, leading to skewed matchups
  • Smurfs in 5 stacks exacerbate the problem

Insufficient 5 Stack Balancing

Many users pointed out that the matchmaking system for 5-stacks is flawed, with Riot matching teams based on average rank rather than individual player ranks. This can lead to situations where one team has a wide range of ranks, resulting in unbalanced matches.

Smurfs and Unfair Advantages

Some users raised concerns about smurfs exploiting the 5-stack system, leading to unfair matchups and frustrating experiences for legitimate players. The ability for high-ranked players to queue with lower-ranked smurfs can significantly impact game balance.

Playing Solo or Duo for Better Balance

Several users highlighted the benefits of playing solo or in smaller groups for more balanced matchmaking. Tighter restrictions on ranked matchmaking for smaller groups can lead to fairer and more competitive games.

Valorant matchmaking continues to be a hot topic among players, with many calling for improvements to ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay experiences.