Valorant: Is Low Sensitivity Really Good in This Game?

Discover the debate on low sensitivity in Valorant: find your perfect sensitivity balance for precise gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are debating the effectiveness of low sensitivities in the game. Is it worth sacrificing speed for precision?


  • Low sensitivity in Valorant mainly benefits static flicking and precise adjustments
  • Find a sensitivity where you can comfortably do a 180-degree turn
  • Gameplay style and personal preference play a significant role in sensitivity choices
  • Using a lower sensitivity may require more practice and adjustments

The Great Sensitivity Debate

Valorant players have strong opinions on the ideal sensitivity settings for the game. Some argue that low sensitivity is essential for precise aiming, especially in a tactical shooter that emphasizes static flicking and microadjustments. They suggest finding a balance that allows for a 180-degree turn comfortably while maintaining accuracy and control. Other players believe that sensitivity is a personal choice influenced by individual playstyle and comfort level

Adjusting Sensitivity

Players share their experiences with sensitivity adjustments in Valorant, highlighting the gradual transition to lower settings for better precision. Suggestions include using the arm for big movements and the wrist for small adjustments, utilizing different techniques to enhance gameplay

The Precision Predicament

For some players, the debate between tap and spray mechanics in Valorant influences sensitivity choices. While low sensitivity may aid in precise tapping, others find higher sensitivity more suitable for their playstyle

The community advises experimenting with sensitivity settings to determine the best option for individual gameplay preferences. Ultimately, finding a sensitivity that complements your aiming style and reflexes is crucial for success in Valorant