Valorant: Is Legit Cheating on the Rise in Ranked Matches?

Explore the rising concern of 'legit cheating' in Valorant ranked matches and the community's thoughts.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players are questioning the prevalence of ‘legit cheating’ in recent ranked matches. What defines these cheaters, and is Vanguard equipped to combat them?


  • Community debates legitimacy of players on the edge of hacking
  • Riot’s anti-cheat system under scrutiny
  • Players questioning the effectiveness of reporting feature

Community Insights

One user shared a suspicious account progression, hinting at cheating with subtle gameplay anomalies that led to reports.

Another mentioned how Valorant’s HWID bans impact cheaters differently than in other games like CS:GO

Statistics on cheater bans and manual investigation highlight the ongoing battle against cheats

Game Integrity

Assessing a player’s skill through statistics can lead to misconceptions, raising doubts in the community

Escalating concerns about the prevalence of cheats across multiple competitive games

A player’s experience with encountering potential cheaters and concerns over reporting

Understanding the community’s sentiments and debates surrounding ‘legit cheating’ in Valorant