Valorant: Is Cypher the Highest Impact Agent in the Game?

Is Cypher really the game-changer in Valorant? Reddit users weigh in on his impact on the gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant is abuzz with discussions on whether Cypher reigns supreme as the most impactful agent in the game. Users are divided, some praising his strategic dominance while others find ways to counter his setup.


  • Cypher’s setup can dictate the entire game flow, pushing attackers to strategize differently
  • Some view Cypher as easily countered, suggesting ways to play around his traps
  • Opinions vary on Cypher’s impact compared to other agents like Viper and Breach

Positive Impact

Many users laud Cypher for his ability to control the game through strategic setups, creating a sense of urgency for attackers to navigate his traps carefully. One user mentioned, “I just had a game where I went quadruple positive in sunset platinum with Cypher. It was super satisfying lol.”

Negative Sentiment

Some players express frustration with Cypher’s seemingly overpowered nature, labeling him as a “braindead agent” with minimal counterplay. They point out that on some maps, his tripwires can be virtually unbreakable, leading to a less interactive gameplay experience.

Comparative Analysis

While many acknowledge Cypher’s prowess, others argue for agents like Viper and Breach, citing their impact in different scenarios. A user stated, “Viper has more impact, at least in pro play.” The debate continues on whether Cypher truly holds the crown for the highest impact agent in Valorant.