Valorant: How to Make KAY/O the Ultimate Agent

How can KAY/O be reimagined to dominate the Valorant battlefield? Reddit users discuss buffs, changes, and strategies for the robotic initiator.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant agents always have their time in the spotlight, but KAY/O seems to be a point of contention. Some players feel he’s underpowered, while others believe in his potential. Let’s dive into the debate!


  • KAY/O’s win rate may not reflect his actual strength due to team coordination requirements.
  • His flash speed and usability could be improved for better impact in matches.
  • Despite a higher skill floor, KAY/O’s versatility offers unique gameplay opportunities.

Team Coordination and Flash Speed

Opinions on KAY/O’s effectiveness vary, with some players highlighting the need for better team coordination to fully utilize his abilities. Mexghost11 mentions the importance of coordinating with teammates for effective flash plays but expresses uncertainty about specific buffs.

Utilization and Design Perspective

Burneecheesecake delves into the intricacies of KAY/O’s kit, noting that his higher skill floor demands some level of team play. They also raise concerns about his ultimate design and suggest potential redesigns for better utility in matches.

High Skill Ceiling and Versatility

ThorAsskicker offers insights into KAY/O’s high skill ceiling, emphasizing the need for practice to maximize his abilities. They point out the versatility of his kit but also highlight the challenges that come with utilizing it effectively, especially in comparison to other agents.

Goldenflame89 also shares a similar sentiment, suggesting that KAY/O’s flashes feel lineup dependent and could benefit from reworks to improve their usability and impact on the game.

Ultimately, the discussion around KAY/O reflects a mix of opinions on his current state in Valorant. While some players appreciate his potential strength and versatility, others believe he requires adjustments to reach his full potential. Finding the right balance between skill expression and accessibility seems to be the key to enhancing KAY/O’s gameplay experience.