Valorant: Hilarious Kayo Flash Deflect Gone Wrong

A Kayo player's flash attempt goes hilariously wrong in this Valorant post.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Imagine confidently throwing a flash, only for your opponent to expertly deflect it back at you with humor and skill. That’s what went down in a recent Valorant match, leading to a mix of reactions from players and spectators alike.


  • Players react in awe and amusement at the unexpected Kayo flash deflect.
  • Some contemplate uninstalling if faced with a similar situation.
  • A discussion on the player’s gaming chair surfaces.

Unexpected Deflection

In the heat of the moment, players witness a calculated move as Kayo deflects a flash back at the original thrower. The unexpected turn of events leaves everyone stunned, sparking laughter and disbelief among the community.

Uninstall Moment

For some, the clip hits too close to home, as they admit that such a situation would push them to uninstall the game in frustration. The combination of skill and luck displayed by Kayo strikes a nerve with these players.

Gaming Chair Commentary

Amidst the chaos, one user diverts attention to the player’s gaming chair, hinting at the comical idea that the chair might hold the key to such precise maneuvers. The lighthearted comment adds a humorous touch to the thread.

From shouts of madness to moments of pure brilliance, this Valorant exchange showcases the unpredictable nature of gaming and the camaraderie it fosters among players. Whether it’s a jaw-dropping play or a light-hearted jab, the community’s reactions unveil the essence of competitive gaming and human connection.