Valorant: Fan Paints Nerf Blaster to Resemble Sentinels’ Sidearm

Discover a Valorant fan who adds a creative twist to a Nerf blaster inspired by the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant fans are always finding inventive ways to show their love for the game. Recently, a Reddit user going by the name Antoruu showcased their artistic skills by painting a Nerf blaster to resemble the Sentinels’ Classic pistol in Valorant.


  • Antoruu impresses the Valorant subreddit with a realistic paint job on a Nerf blaster.
  • Fans admire the attention to detail in replicating the in-game pistol.
  • Some users humorously comment on the functionality of the painted Nerf blaster.

Positive Sentiments

The post garnered a wave of positive reactions, with many praising Antoruu’s artistry. User ‘Naviestyx’ complimented the realism of the paint job, noting the effort put into achieving the accurate colors and opacity.

Humorous Interactions

On a lighter note, user ‘7farema’ humorously inquired if the Nerf blaster now had a ‘right-click attack,’ referencing the game mechanics of Valorant. This playful banter added a fun touch to the thread.

Creative Inspiration

Some users, like ‘3Iysian,’ were inspired by the post to consider purchasing the Sentinels bundle in Valorant, showcasing how fan creations can influence in-game purchases.