Valorant Duelist Mains: A Smoke Main’s Woes and Pleas

Dive into the world of Valorant with a look at the frustrations and requests of a Smoke Main towards Duelist players.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant duelists and smoke mains face off in the ongoing battle of communication breakdowns and strategic disagreements. One Reddit post delves into the frustrations of a smoke main trying to navigate the complexities of team play amidst the chaos of solo queue.


  • Communication breakdowns plague the interaction between smoke mains and duelists, leading to strategic disagreements.
  • Players highlight the importance of pre-round communication to enhance team coordination and effectiveness.
  • The lack of comms in ranked matches contributes to frustration and misunderstandings among teammates.
  • Players emphasize the need for mutual respect and understanding in team dynamics to improve overall gameplay experience.
  • Insufficient Pre-Round Communication

    Valorant players share their experiences of dealing with duelists who overlook the importance of pre-round communication, leading to misplays and misunderstandings. It’s a common struggle where smoke mains are left to decipher the intent of their teammates without clear guidance.

    Frustrations with Instalock Duelists

    Instalock duelists come under scrutiny for their lack of engagement in team discussions and tendency to criticize without offering constructive solutions. The clash between playstyles and egos often result in discord within the team, hampering strategic execution.

    Role-specific Strategies and Considerations

    Players shed light on the intricacies of role-specific strategies, emphasizing the need for awareness and adaptability to optimize team synergy. From avoiding blocking sightlines for operators to utilizing smokes strategically, players advocate for a deeper understanding of each role’s responsibilities.