Valorant D3 in a Bronze Match – Are High Rank Players Ruining the Fun?

The presence of high rank players in low ELO matches is a growing issue in Valorant, leaving players questioning the integrity of matchmaking.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant has been experiencing a puzzling trend lately, with high rank players infiltrating lower ELO matches, causing chaos in the competitive landscape. A recent Reddit post titled ‘D3 in a bronze match’ shed light on this concerning phenomenon.


  • High ranked players entering low ELO matches disrupt the balance and fairness of the game.
  • Solo queueing at higher ranks can result in mismatched games, impacting the overall experience for players in lower tiers.
  • Boosting accounts and playing with friends of higher ranks contribute to the problem of skewed matchmaking.

AverageBronzeJett’s Take

‘The highest rated player you faced yesterday was literally Silver 1. What is this cope?’ questioned AverageBronzeJett, pointing out the incongruity in matchmaking.

Kwalsh2484’s Insight

‘He probably got carried to D3 and solo queued and it put him where he’s supposed to be 😂,’ speculated Kwalsh2484, shedding light on a possible reason behind the disparity in ranks.

Shen_X_i’s Opinion

‘This things happen… I have a friend who hardly reached bronze. She plays ranked with her other friends who are plat with different accounts just to get boosted… This is a common thing in Valorant… though I don’t understand what’s the point of getting boosted when you are not improving by yourself…,’ shared Shen_X_i, highlighting the prevalence of boosting practices.

Matchmaking discrepancies in Valorant are stirring up frustration and confusion among the player base. The surge of higher rank players in lower ELO matches raises concerns about the fairness and competitiveness of the game. As players strive for a balanced and challenging gaming experience, addressing these matchmaking issues is crucial to ensure the integrity of competitive play. The community’s feedback and discussions on platforms like Reddit provide valuable insights into the challenges faced in the current state of Valorant.