Valorant Brass Knuckles: A Suggestion for a Unique Knife Skin

Exploring the community's thoughts on a creative brass knuckles knife skin idea in Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

In the world of Valorant, creativity knows no bounds, especially when it comes to unique weapon skins. One reddit post caught the community’s attention with a suggestion for a new knife skin – brass knuckles. The idea sparked a lively discussion among Valorant fans, each sharing their thoughts on this unconventional concept.


  • Community member suggests a brass knuckles knife skin, sparking excitement for a new concept.
  • Discussion revolves around the visibility and impact of such a skin in gameplay.
  • Comparisons made to existing skins like the Res knife and Yoru’s gloves.
  • Exploring the Concept

    Alloywut’s idea of a brass knuckles knife skin struck a chord with many players, envisioning a unique and aggressive aesthetic for their in-game arsenal.

    Visibility in Gameplay

    CluelessFlunky raises a valid point about the potential visibility issues of a subtle knife skin like brass knuckles, emphasizing the importance of clear visual cues in gameplay.

    Reference to Existing Skins

    Ophanim2 draws comparisons to other oversized skins like the Power Fist, highlighting the diverse range of aesthetics players can choose from in Valorant.

    Community Suggestions

    xQ_YT suggests an alternative approach by proposing the incorporation of Yoru’s gloves as a wearable item, showcasing the community’s creativity in reimagining in-game cosmetics.

    Embracing new ideas and pushing the boundaries of creativity is what makes the Valorant community vibrant and engaging. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see brass knuckles or other unconventional weapons skins come to life in the game, adding a fresh twist to the Valorant experience.