Use Sounds in Valorant to Your Advantage

Valorant is a highly competitive game where you must use all your senses to gain an advantage. Learn how to use sounds in Valorant to read and misdirect your opponents.

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Hamza Bakht

Valorant running with gun

Key Takeaways

  • You can use cues and various sounds in Valorant to predict your opponent’s next move or force them to panic.
  • Sounds of Ultimates can be used to judge the opponent’s push 
  • The sound of Weapons and spikes can be used to reveal the opponent’s location
  • Footsteps sound can be leveraged for faking opponents
  • Teleportation sounds can be of great help to bamboozle opponents

Sound is a very useful aspect of any FPS game. The same is the case for Valorant. There are many sound cues in Valorant that you can use to your advantage in the game. Some of these sounds include gunfights, ultimates, teleportation, smokes, and many more. Let’s discuss how these sounds can be used to win rounds and gunfights.

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Using sound in Valorant to your advantage

There are many cues that use sound Valorant. You can use sound in Valorant to your advantage, and today we will discuss some of the major categories of the different sounds in Valorant.

Ultimate activation sounds in Valorant

One of the major and most important sounds in the game of Valorant is the line the agent speaks when they activate their ultimate. For example, an ally Jett says, “Watch this!” and an ally Viper says, “Don’t get in my way”, whereas an enemy Jett and Viper would say, “Get out of my way!” and “Welcome to my world”, respectively. These voice lines can be used to figure out whose ultimate has been activated and then can be used to react accordingly using sound in Valorant.


Footsteps are also important, not only in Valorant but in nearly every other game. You can leverage enemy footstep sounds to figure out early in the round where the enemy team is pushing. Footsteps can be used to assume the enemy position in order to pre-fire and get a kill. Footstep sound in Valorant can also be used to check whether the enemy team is hard rotating.

Teleportation sounds in Valorant

In Valorant, several agents can teleport as well as there is a teleportation chamber in a few maps, which helps teams to teleport from one site to another quickly. These create a sound that can alert the opponents that they are rotating to the other site. Similarly, opponents like Yoru and Omen have teleportation abilities. 

Yoru can teleport as well as initiate a fake teleport. Both these abilities create different sounds and, if used properly, can disrupt opponents and win gunfights and rounds. Omen can also make a teleport and makes a slight sound to the area it teleported to. You can lose a round if this sound is not heard and identified properly.

Telportation sounds in Valorant from omen

Weapon pickup and spike sounds in Valorant

In Valorant, if you pick up a weapon, it creates a specific sound that can be used by the opponents to reveal your location. When you plant and diffuse a spike, it also creates a sound that can be used to assess whether the spike is being planted or diffused. The spike plant time is 4 seconds after the first sound cue, and the diffuse time is 7 seconds after the first diffusing sound cue.

spike defuse sounds in valorant

You can use all these sound cues to outplay your opponents. You can use the spike diffuse sound and mix it with time assessment to check if the enemy is really diffusing or if it’s bait. You can use footsteps to fake a rotation and use teleportation sound to fake a teleport. You should learn more about advanced recognition of sound in valorant to get better at identifying different cues.