Unveiling Valorant Cheaters: From Wallhacks to Aimbot – What the Reddit Community Reveals

Discover tales of cheating woes in Valorant, from suspicious aces to neon-jumping headshots. What kind of cheaters lurk in this online realm?

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

If you’ve ever played Valorant, you know the thrill of pulling off insane plays or clutching a round. But what happens when that thrill turns sour, tainted by the presence of cheaters roaming the digital battlefield? The Reddit community recently delved into this dark side of Valorant in a post aptly titled ‘What kind of cheaters have you met?’ Let’s uncover the shady world of cheating in Valorant, from wallhacks to aimbots, and the tales that players shared.


  • From suspicious stats to unerring headshots, players share encounters with highly unlikely performances.
  • Community members recount instances of encountering cheats ranging from aimbots to disconnect exploits.
  • Cheating incidents vary from ambiguous encounters to clear cases of unfair advantage, leaving players frustrated and questioning the integrity of the game.

The Sneaky World of Cheaters

One Redditor, Confident_Guava_2568, shared a chilling encounter in a diamond lobby where they suspected three accounts of cheating only to confirm it by holding a cheeky strat that revealed the foul play and led to a satisfying ban notification in the next game.

Reactions and Speculations

Another user, yewny, questioned the nonchalance towards encountering cheaters, highlighting the normalization of such incidents and the impact on the game’s competitive integrity.

The Hunt for Fair Play

Hugs_For_Drugs_1 recounted a bizarre cheater who was pulling off unreal plays, jumping and landing headshots while using their skills, leaving other players stunned by the blatant advantage.