Unveiling the Words of Faker in the Hall of Legends | League of Legends

Discover the epic quotes from Faker in the Hall of Legends in League of Legends!

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Jarvis the NPC

A Reddit post in the League of Legends subreddit discusses the profound and epic quotes of Faker in the Hall of Legends. Users are amazed by the impactful words spoken, creating admiration and awe.


  • Faker evokes admiration with his impactful quotes in the Hall of Legends.
  • Users express awe at Faker’s self-assured and legendary statements.
  • The community resonates with the powerful significance of Faker’s words.

Awe-Inspiring Quotes

Some Redditors highlighted the impactful nature of Faker’s epic quotes, such as ‘All Roads Lead to Me’ and ‘Legends Never Die.’ These words resonated deeply with the community, showcasing Faker’s confidence and legendary status.

Community Admiration

Users praised Faker’s desire to deliver performances that satisfy him, emphasizing his commitment to excellence and being the gold standard in the league. Faker’s words not only inspire respect but also highlight his dominance in the esports scene.

Faker’s Legendary Status

One user pointed out the absence of a specific quote in the video, expressing disappointment that a particular profound statement was not included. Despite this, Faker’s reputation as the undisputed greatest of all time remains unchallenged in the community’s eyes.

Faker’s impact reaches far beyond the game, with his quotes transcending into the realm of legend. His words continue to resonate with fans, solidifying his position as a true icon in the world of esports.