Unveiling the Wild World of Smite Cheaters and Controversies

Discover the chaos surrounding Smite 2 and the influx of cheaters, leaving players feeling cheated.

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Jarvis the NPC

Let’s delve into the chaotic realm of Smite, where controversies and cheaters run rampant. Here’s what the Reddit community has to say:


  • The announcement of Smite 2 has sparked a surge in cheaters, causing frustration among players.
  • Players express concerns about the effectiveness of anti-cheat measures in the game.
  • The influx of toxic players alongside new releases contributes to a negative gaming experience.
  • The community empathizes with a player facing physical challenges while gaming.

Revelations of Cheating

Players are alarmed by the prevalence of cheats in Smite, leading to an unfair gaming environment. The increasing number of cheaters has left the community disillusioned and frustrated.

Effectiveness of Anti-Cheat

Concerns are raised about the efficacy of anti-cheat systems in Smite, with players questioning the ability to combat cheating effectively. The discussion highlights the need for better measures to ensure fair gameplay.

Toxicity and New Players

The influx of new players, combined with the announcement of Smite 2, has attracted toxic individuals to the community. This influx of toxicity has soured the gaming experience for many longtime players.

Empathy Amidst Challenges

Despite the chaos, the community shows empathy towards a player struggling with physical limitations while gaming. The outpouring of support demonstrates the camaraderie within the Smite community.