Unveiling the Weak: Which Gods in Smite Have the Worst Kits?

Discover which gods in Smite are deemed to have weaker kits by the community and why.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered which gods in Smite are considered to have weaker kits by the community? Let’s dive into the discussion on Reddit!


  • Vamana’s viability hinges on his ult’s fit in the meta, affecting his tier status.
  • Some players feel that certain gods like Cabrakan, Vamana, and Sobek have ineffective abilities.
  • Players mention gods like Cupid and Erlang Shen as having weak kits.

Concerns Over Specific Gods

Some users point out that certain gods like Hades suffer from power creep, affecting their overall effectiveness in combat. Vamana is highlighted as a god whose relevance heavily relies on his ultimate ability within gameplay scenarios.

Debates and Controversies

There is a mix of opinions among players about which gods have weaker kits, with mentions of Cupid and Erlang Shen frequently brought up. Some players emphasize the need for reworks to improve the gameplay experience with certain gods.

Community Reflection

Players express their concerns about gods like Bakasura and Hun Batz, suggesting that these gods may need adjustments to their kits for a more balanced gameplay experience. The community’s opinions reflect a desire for greater diversity and effectiveness in god kits to enhance gameplay enjoyment.