Unveiling the Ultimate Tweyen Build in Granblue Fantasy

Discover the buzz surrounding a player's supposed finished build for their beloved Tweyen in Granblue Fantasy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy is abuzz with excitement as OberonRxx reveals their ‘FINISHED TWEYEN BUILD!!!’ after days of farming. Excitement is in the air!


  • Is OberonRxx’s Tweyen build truly completed or merely a work in progress?
  • Debates spark on the ideal uplift amount for Tweyen’s optimal performance.
  • Community members appreciate the effort OberonRxx put into their build, emphasizing individual enjoyment over metagame standards.

The Hype Surrounding OberonRxx’s Build

Granblue Fantasy players have been eagerly discussing OberonRxx’s proclaimed ‘FINISHED TWEYEN BUILD!!!’ This post has sparked a mixture of excitement and skepticism within the community. Some players commend OberonRxx’s dedication to Tweyen, appreciating the effort put into perfecting their setup. However, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm…

Debate Over Uplift Amount

Several users have raised the question of whether a higher uplift amount would be more beneficial for a character like Tweyen. Echo-Tide pointed out that 45 uplift might be more ideal for quicker Skybound Art generation, sparking a debate on the optimal strategy for maximizing Tweyen’s potential.

Community Support

Despite differing opinions on OberonRxx’s build, members like Zelasaurus have shown support and positivity towards the player’s efforts. Zelasaurus appreciated the unique approach OberonRxx took with their build, emphasizing that individual enjoyment and personalization are paramount in a game like Granblue Fantasy.

The discussion continues within the Granblue Fantasy community as players share their viewpoints and tips, highlighting the diverse perspectives and camaraderie that define the game’s fanbase.