Unveiling the Truth: Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Are Ghosts Really Weaker?

Discover the secrets of TFT ghost battles! Are they really weaker than real players?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) is a complex game with various mechanics that keep players on their toes. Recently, a heated discussion on a Reddit post raised an interesting point about ghost battles being weaker than real players. Let’s delve deeper into this mystery!


  • Ghosts in TFT may not benefit from certain traits or augments
  • Players have mixed experiences with the strength of ghost copies
  • Bugs in ghost boards can affect gameplay outcomes

Ghosts vs. Players: The Debate

One user, K15brbapt, pointed out that ghosts are generally weaker due to some traits not functioning correctly. This discrepancy may lead to an uneven playing field.

The Bug Factor

Xkillo32 highlighted the presence of bugs impacting clone strength, citing examples like Kayle missing her buffs. These bugs can significantly alter battle outcomes.

Riot’s Insight

RiotPrism shed light on the difficulties of addressing ghost board bugs, emphasizing the importance of player reports in resolving such issues. Their detailed explanation provides valuable context to the ongoing debate.

Despite the ongoing debate, it’s clear that ghost battles in TFT are not as straightforward as they seem. Players’ experiences vary, but the consensus is that bugs and trait discrepancies may contribute to the perception of ghost weakness. The intricacies of TFT gameplay continue to intrigue and challenge players, adding layers of depth to the competitive landscape.

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