Unveiling the Truth about Empirical Evidence in Destiny 2

Discover what Reddit users really think about the gun Empirical Evidence in Destiny 2 and why it's a hot topic among new players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the buzz around Empirical Evidence in Destiny 2, LordGusXIII shared their newbie experience with the weapon.


  • Empirical Evidence finds mixed reviews in PvP and PvE settings.
  • Professional Guardians advise caution when choosing this sidearm.
  • High Albedo emerges as a strong contender in the sidearm category.

PvP Pros and Cons

PineMaple enjoys the two-burst frame in PvP, but notes the gun’s lack of popularity. xDidddle appreciates the aesthetics but admits its performance falls short.

PvE Perspective

TFtato finds Empirical Evidence satisfying in PvP due to its handling and perks. However, Extra_Difficulty_851 humorously suggests seeking proof of its effectiveness.

Comparative Analysis

Crown202 highlights the potential perks for Empirical Evidence, advocating for an optimal roll. beatenmeat recommends High Albedo over Empirical Evidence for superior PvP performance.