Unveiling the Secrets of Final Fantasy Development: Original Stories and Scrapped Concepts

Discover the hidden treasures of Final Fantasy's original concepts and scrapped storylines from the perspective of Reddit users.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans delve deep into the mysteries of the franchise’s development, uncovering original stories and scrapped concepts.


  • Original concepts and scrapped storylines from various Final Fantasy games.
  • Detailed insights into the alternative narratives that never made it into the final games.
  • Discussions on the evolution of characters, plotlines, and gameplay mechanics.

Unraveling Final Fantasy X’s Seventeen Concept

The revelation of Final Fantasy X’s original concept set in a French comic book-inspired sci-fi world with a dramatic plague storyline has left fans astonished and craving for more.

Lost Tales of Final Fantasy VIII and IX

Exploring the dual protagonist concept of Final Fantasy VIII and the alternative New York City version of Final Fantasy VII provides a fascinating glimpse into what could have been.

The Ever-Evolving World of Final Fantasy XII and XIII

From protagonist struggles in Final Fantasy XII to the intricate mythos of Falcie and L’Cie in Final Fantasy XIII, the series’ development journey is filled with surprises.

Final Fanatics and Their Fascination with the Unseen

Diving into the mysteries of scrapped ideas and original narratives, Final Fantasy enthusiasts showcase their passion for the franchise’s rich history and untold tales.