Unveiling the Power of Kinetic Tremors in Destiny 2

Discover the true potential of Kinetic Tremors in Destiny 2 and why it's causing a buzz among Guardians!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Destiny 2 perks, one that’s been creating a stir lately is the Kinetic Tremors. Numerous posts on Reddit discuss its newfound prowess, leaving many to wonder what truly sets it apart from other perks.


  • Kinetic Tremors offers free AoE damage without the need for kills
  • Works exceptionally well in high-level content like GMs
  • Enhances the utility of Kinetic weapons, making them more viable
  • Highly effective for barrier champions and group ad clear

Flyaroundtro’s Perspective

According to user Flyaroundtro, Kinetic Tremors provide free damage in a radius without the requirement of a kill. This makes it a valuable asset in various scenarios

All_was_taken’s Insight

All_was_taken points out that in higher level content, Kinetic Tremors excel at providing free AoE damage and are especially useful for taking down shield bosses

StillSimple6’s Experience

StillSimple6 highlights the synergy between Kinetic Tremors and side arms, showcasing its ability to lock down shield bosses and offer free AoE damage

QuantumVexation sums up the perk as a straightforward bonus damage source, emphasizing its ease of use and versatility in challenging activities

Avivoy also speaks highly of the perk, noting its effectiveness in generating free damage without the need for kills

Epikpepsi further elaborates on the perk’s utility in content with tougher enemies, as well as its interaction with other perks like Shoot to Loot

H_Tee11 adds that Kinetic Tremors operate as a passive perk, enhancing the weapon’s capabilities without requiring active input

Justvoop shares a personal anecdote about the efficacy of the perk in shredding enemies, particularly when coupled with surge mods for additional damage

Historical-Rule delves into the mathematical aspect of Kinetic Tremors, showcasing its substantial damage potential compared to other perks

Flowtajit highlights how the perk escalates weapon damage in high-level content, emphasizing its sustained impact over multiple shots

Bob_The_Moo_Cow88 praises the perk’s exceptional DPS against barrier champions, making it a valuable asset for challenging encounters

Comfortable_Hour5723 provides a detailed breakdown of why Kinetic Tremors stands out for ad clear and consistent damage output, even without the need for kills

Doobersthetitan underscores the perk’s effectiveness against tough enemies and champions, making it a reliable choice in various encounters

PineMaple succinctly sums up the appeal of Kinetic Tremors as an easy-to-proc source of single-target damage and AoE effects