Unveiling the Mystery of the Cheese Moon in Final Fantasy VIII

What if the moon in Final Fantasy VIII was made of monsters? Reddit users share their thoughts on this unique concept.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy VIII players ponder the moon made of monsters concept, sparking discussions on the game’s world-building. A Reddit post delves into the intriguing yet baffling idea of a moon composed of creatures in the iconic RPG.


  • Users appreciate the creativity of the moon made of monsters concept in FFVIII.
  • Some find the execution of this idea in the game to be flawed, creating plot holes.
  • There are suggestions for a reimagining of FFVIII to delve deeper into its world and concepts.

Gamer Reactions

Ganon388 expressed excitement about battling monsters falling to Earth, contrasting it humorously with Squall’s preference for card games.

On the other hand, NightLordGuyver criticized FFVIII’s world-building, highlighting perceived inconsistencies and missed potential in the game’s narrative.

Community Insights

CatProgrammer questioned the logic behind the moon in FFVIII being infested with monsters, prompting a debate among users about the game’s fantastical elements.

Aman_Sensei light-heartedly suggested the moon might be made of cheese, adding a touch of humor to the discussion.