Unveiling the Mystery of the Apex Legends Failsafe Fail

Uncover the truth behind the failsafe issue in Apex Legends with our deep dive into player feedback and comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are scratching their heads over a failsafe that seems to have failed at preventing falls off the map. So what’s the deal?


  • Players are upset about a failsafe glitch in Apex Legends.
  • Driving a Trident off the map can result in self-inflicted damage now.
  • The community humorously points out instances of failing the failsafe test.

Mcmolenation: The Trident now deals 100 damage when you yeet yourself off the map, leading to unexpected deaths for low HP players.

Paraphrased comment from McMolenation.

Proud_Criticism5286: Improvement is hindered by the embarrassment of making mistakes.

Direct quote from Proud_Criticism5286.

Sovereigntyranny: The Trident’s explosion now inflicts 100 damage, resulting in fatal falls for low-health players.

Summary of Sovereigntyranny’s explanation.

swhipster: The failsafe doesn’t function in ranked games, causing team damage in non-ranked matches.

Explanation based on swhipster’s comment.