Unveiling the Mystery of Legendary Drops in Brawl Stars

Join the Brawl Stars community as they discuss the elusive legendary drops, brewing a mix of emotions and strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Brawl Stars community is abuzz with excitement and speculation around the chances of getting a legendary item. Many players are eager to unravel the mystery behind these coveted drops, while others share their own experiences and advice.


  • Players express a mixture of excitement and frustration over the rarity of legendary drops.
  • Some believe that super rare items are more valuable than legendary ones.
  • The community shares humorous anecdotes and tips on how to increase your chances of obtaining a legendary item.

The Elusive Legend

The discussion revolves around the perceived scarcity of legendary drops in Brawl Stars. While some players are thrilled at the prospect of acquiring these rare items, others express dismay at the seemingly low probability of getting them.

Super Rare vs. Legendary

One user sparks a debate by stating that super rare items hold more value than legendary ones. This viewpoint challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding the desirability of legendary drops and adds an interesting twist to the conversation.

Humor and Strategies

Amidst the discussions on drop rates and item rarity, community members inject humor into the thread with references to eggs, colors, and mythical figures. Players also share quirky strategies, such as chanting phrases or focusing on specific colors to increase their chances of obtaining a legendary item.

The Brawl Stars subreddit serves as a melting pot of emotions, insights, and strategies, reflecting the diverse perspectives of players. While some approach the topic with humor and lightheartedness, others express genuine excitement and frustration regarding the elusive legendary drops.